How is it different?
With this app, you can use the same store to offer Wholesale or Customer Specific Pricing to premium customers (VIP, Gold, Silver, Platinum, etc.).
You can create tags for specific groups of customers and then price levels for that customer group.

- This app DOES NOT rely on coupon codes.
- There are NO DUPLICATE or hidden products created.
- Works with ALL channels, product feeds, ERP's and 3rd party integrations.
Bold Custom Pricing: Wholesale
Different prices for different customers w/ bulk discounts! Wholesale, VIP, Member pricing.
Custom Pricing Levels - Offer multiple wholesale pricing and tiered pricing.
Multiple levels of wholesale B2B pricing with bulk discounts and tiered pricing.
Automatically change customer prices based on spend, frequency, or manually.
Apply $ or % pricing across entire site, collection, or upload CSV to manage.
Detailed pricing options to set custom prices for any product or variant.